On demand one-on-one coaching


6-12 Sessions

Module components


Session type

In-person or Virtual

Module Overview

Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive one-on-one coaching program meticulously crafted to empower individuals, fostering the development of confidence, effectiveness, and impactful communication skills as they step into the realm of public speaking. This immersive experience goes beyond traditional training, providing personalized guidance and tailored strategies to unlock your unique voice and amplify your presence on any stage.
Build Confidence
Develop a strong foundation of self-assurance, manage stage fright, and instil confidence in public speaking situations.
Refine Delivery Skills

Enhance vocal projection, articulation, body language, eye contact, and overall stage presence for maximum impact.

Craft Engaging Content
Learn effective storytelling techniques, structure compelling presentations, and utilize persuasive language to captivate and engage the audience.
Connect with Audiences
Understand audience analysis and adapt communication styles to connect emotionally and intellectually with diverse audiences.
Overcome Challenges
Address specific speaking challenges or areas requiring improvement, such as nervousness, pacing, or organizing complex information.
Develop Effective Visual Aids
Learn to use visual aids, such as slides or props, to support and enhance the delivery of messages.
Practice and Feedback
Engage in targeted practice sessions, receive constructive feedback, and incorporate continuous improvement strategies into the coaching process.
Inspire and Influence
Develop techniques to inspire, motivate, and influence audiences, leaving a lasting impact with each presentation.
Module components
Get started
Get started by taking our Mandatory pre – assessment
  • Conduct an initial assessment of the client’s current public speaking skills, goals, and areas for improvement.
  • Discuss the client’s speaking preferences, aspirations, and specific needs to personalize the coaching experience.
Goal Setting and Customization
  • Collaboratively define clear and achievable goals for the coaching program.
  • Tailor the coaching plan to address the client’s unique objectives, challenges, and timeline.
Skills Development
  • Cover essential public speaking principles, techniques, and best practices.
  • Provide guidance on voice modulation, body language, storytelling, audience engagement, and effective use of visual aids.
Personalized Coaching Sessions
  • Conduct regular one-on-one coaching sessions to provide individualized attention, address specific challenges, and track progress.
  • Practice speaking exercises, such as impromptu speeches, prepared presentations, or role-playing scenarios.
Presentation Preparation
  • Collaborate on the development of engaging, well-structured presentations.
  • Provide guidance on content organization, narrative flow, impactful openings, and powerful closings.
Rehearsals and Feedback
  • Conduct mock presentations and rehearsals to fine-tune delivery skills.
  • Offer constructive feedback on the client’s strengths, areas for improvement, and strategies for enhancing their speaking style.
Performance Enhancement Techniques
  • Explore techniques for managing nervousness, building confidence, and overcoming speaking obstacles.
  • Introduce mindfulness practices, visualization exercises, and other tools to enhance performance.
Final Presentation and Evaluation
  • Facilitate a final presentation where the client can showcase their progress and apply the skills learned throughout the module.
  • Provide a comprehensive evaluation, highlighting growth, achievements, and areas for continued development.
Post-Module Support
  • Offer post-module resources, including reading materials, additional practice exercises, and ongoing support to reinforce learning.
By completing this Personalized Public Speaking Mastery Module, clients will gain the skills, confidence, and techniques necessary to excel as impactful and influential public speakers in various professional and personal settings.
Module components
Get started
Get started by taking our Mandatory pre – assessment
Sharing authentic stories about the company's values, culture, or individuals behind the scenes humanizes the brand, fostering relatability and trust among consumers.
Storytelling transforms complex information into relatable narratives, building emotional connections with the audience and making corporate messages more memorable and impactful.
Corporate storytelling can highlight achievements, milestones, and positive changes brought about by a company's products or services, creating a narrative of success that influences how the audience perceives the brand.
Module components
Get started
Get started by taking our Mandatory pre – assessment