Academic Speaking Excellence


12 Sessions

Module components


Session type

In-person or virtual

Module Overview

A comprehensive training program designed specifically for students and educational institutions. This excellence module aims to empower students and early career academics with effective communication and public speaking skills, preparing them to confidently express their ideas, engage audiences, and succeed in academic and professional settings. Through a combination of interactive workshops, practical exercises, and guided practice, participants will develop the foundational skills necessary for effective public speaking. Being knowledgeable in a specific subject is no longer sufficient. In leadership or business, your ability to articulate ideas with fluency is the primary indicator of your competence and professionalism.
Build Confidence
Cultivate self-assurance and overcome stage fright by providing a supportive environment for students to practice and refine their public speaking abilities.
Develop Clear and Articulate Communication
Enhance verbal and non-verbal communication skills, including clarity, enunciation, body language, and eye contact.
Improve Presentation Organization
Teach students techniques for organizing and structuring presentations, ensuring logical flow and effective message delivery.
Enhance Engagement and Connection
Develop skills to engage and connect with audiences through storytelling, persuasive techniques, and audience interaction.
Foster Critical Thinking
Encourage students to think critically, analyze information, and present well-supported arguments and ideas.
Visual Aid Utilization
Introduce best practices for creating and using visual aids, such as slides, props, or multimedia, to enhance presentations and support key messages.
Effective Delivery Techniques
Provide guidance on vocal modulation, pacing, gestures, and other delivery techniques to enhance students’ overall presentation skills.
Handle Q&A Sessions
Equip students with strategies to confidently respond to questions, think on their feet, and handle impromptu speaking situations.
Develop Team Collaboration Skills
Engage students in group activities and collaborative exercises to enhance teamwork, communication, and collective learning.
Promote Digital Presentation Skills
Teach students how to effectively utilize digital platforms and virtual presentation tools for online presentations and remote learning environments.
Module components
Get started
Get started by taking our Mandatory pre – assessment
Introduction to Public Speaking
  • Provide an overview of the module’s objectives, expectations, and the importance of public speaking skills in academic and professional settings.
  • Engage students in icebreaker activities to foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
Building Confidence
  • Conduct exercises and activities to help students overcome stage fright, build self-confidence, and develop a positive mindset towards public speaking.
  • Encourage students to share personal stories or experiences to create a supportive atmosphere.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills
  • Teach students techniques for clear articulation, voice projection, body language, and eye contact to enhance overall communication effectiveness.
  • Conduct interactive exercises and role-playing activities to practice and refine these skills.
Presentation Organization and Structure
  • Guide students in structuring presentations with an introduction, main points, supporting evidence, and a memorable conclusion.
  • Provide templates and frameworks to help students organize their thoughts and create cohesive presentations.
Engaging the Audience
  • Introduce techniques for storytelling, audience interaction, and incorporating visual aids to engage and captivate the audience.
  • Conduct activities and games that encourage students to practice these techniques and receive feedback from their peers.
Critical Thinking and Argumentation
  • Promote critical thinking skills by guiding students in analyzing information, evaluating sources, and constructing well-supported arguments.
  • Conduct debates, discussions, or persuasive speech activities to strengthen students’ ability to articulate their viewpoints convincingly.
Effective Visual Aid Utilization
  • Teach students how to create visually appealing slides, use props, or employ multimedia elements to enhance their presentations.
  • Provide guidelines on selecting appropriate visual aids and integrating them seamlessly into presentations.
Delivery Techniques and Rehearsals
  • Help students refine their delivery skills through practice sessions, focusing on vocal modulation, pacing and gestures.
Module components
Get started
Get started by taking our Mandatory pre – assessment
Sharing authentic stories about the company's values, culture, or individuals behind the scenes humanizes the brand, fostering relatability and trust among consumers.
Storytelling transforms complex information into relatable narratives, building emotional connections with the audience and making corporate messages more memorable and impactful.
Corporate storytelling can highlight achievements, milestones, and positive changes brought about by a company's products or services, creating a narrative of success that influences how the audience perceives the brand.
Module components
Get started
Get started by taking our Mandatory pre – assessment